Heavy Coder

Heavy Coder

Heavy Coder is a dream website for every programmer. Type your question and get related YouTube videos and code completion using Openai's ChatGPT.

The problem Heavy Coder solves

Heavy Coder - The Dream of a Programmer 💻

Sometimes, finding bugs isn't easy. Programmers used to spend hours finding a minor critical bug & which hampers their productivity. They have to visit numerous websites and documentation & still, they don't have any clue about the problem.

The website "Heavy Coder" is the dream of every programmer in the world.

The website facilitates code completion by specifying the type of language and the problem the programmer is facing. And not only this, it recommends YouTube videos for quick help. The website is integrated with an iframe so that the programmers don't need to switch between the tabs, and they can watch the video side by side while understanding the code.

Aren't you curious? 😬

How do we build it?

  • For the client side, we used React to build our web application along with the Jest testing framework.
  • The designing/styling of the web application is built using TailwindCSS and Lottie Animations.
  • We used packages like Axios and youtube-API for implementing our features.
  • For the server side, we used NodeJS & ExpressJS to make a REST API.
  • Openai's ChatGPT API is used to turn comments into code.

Accomplishments of our project?

  • To create an all-in-one website for programmers to resolve their doubts.
  • We implement Openai's ChatGPT API for code completion and present the code.
  • The YouTube API can send videos related to the user search results and provid

Challenges we ran into

  • We don't know much about Artificial Intelligence. So, it was challenging to understand the jargon before we planned our project and proceeded further with it.
  • Developing a full-stack application that matches the industry standard was challenging, but we divided our tasks and made it work and function properly.
  • As we were new to AI, we had to go through the documentations and stack overflow quite a bit. It was time-consuming. The overall result is fruitful.

Tracks Applied (1)

Web Track

VACCARIM is a chatbot built using Node. It is hosted on Replit, an online coding playground for creating and deploying r...Read More
