Unknown Protocol

Unknown Protocol

Unknown protocol is a revolutionary private asset streaming protocol that brings subscriptions, salaries, vesting, and rewards to DAOs worldwide without revealing the amounts.

The problem Unknown Protocol solves

Streamed payments can be confidential (sometimes it’s better to not know how much your colleagues are getting paid!). Unknown protocol uses FHE's encryption and encrypt multiplier and allow the recipient to withdraw the available amount based elapsed time. so this will add a privacy over amount of money streamed

Challenges I ran into

Understanding fhEVM

first time working with fhEVM and struggled to understand the encryption and decryption over EVM, finally understood and able to finish the contract.

Integrating fhEVMjs

During integration of fhEVMjs into frontend of Next app, faced some webpack errors and fix them drained some of my time

Tracks Applied (1)

🏆 Most inventive use of Fhenix: $5,000

Deployed the contracts on FHENIX Blockchain https://demoexplorer.fhenix.io/address/0xF5CDEc55fa2451FB8117F12Ad35f483A3Fc...Read More

