
Connecting students all over the university

The problem UniTie solves

As a Fresher, It is laborious to find and approach the right senior.
Being a fresher, it’s very difficult to adapt to the college environment without any help.
They generally get confused on whom to approach and how to contact them.
Many feel shy and left out and they don’t get the real life experience on how to manage.
To look out and search for the right senior for assistance is time consuming.
Lack of guidance results in more stress and ultimately less Knowledge & skills .
Especially in the recent times, online studies have worsened the problem further on.
Sometimes unauthorized people may enter the groups and disturb the students.

Challenges we ran into

Due to online mode we faced some difficulties in coordinating our team and tasks.As freshers, converting our ideas into a website was difficult as we had insufficient knowlege of technologies like html, css, js .Although we tried to learn as we could learn during this period of Hackmol 3.0 .
