

"Enabling writers to put out honest, censor-resistant articles, while maintaining anonymity"



"Enabling writers to put out honest, censor-resistant articles, while maintaining anonymity"

The problem UniteWrite solves

The current media landscape is plagued by corruption, censorship, and bias. UniteWrite aims to address these issues by leveraging the power of blockchain technology and implementing smart contracts and IPFS. With this approach, we can ensure that no individual or organization has control over the data, and anyone can safely post any news or information they desire without worrying about it being taken down or manipulated.
Our primary goal is to enable free and unbiased sharing of information without any fear of censorship or retribution from any government or private organization.

Challenges we ran into

  1. We found it very difficult to implement a strategy to deal with unwanted and harmful articles, we did come up with a few possible solutions like assigning a DAO the authority to filter, or implementing ZK-proofs, but due to the time constraint of the hackathon, we could not implement those.
  2. The lack of efficient and low cost storage mechanisms on blockchain, proved to be a big hurdle, but we did use IPFS to minimize the cost.

Tracks Applied (2)

Ethereum Track

We have used techstack like Hardhat, Ether.Js also deployed on Mumbai Polygon testnet which is a layer 2 scaling solutio...Read More


Ethereum + Polygon Track

We have deployed our contract on the polygon Mumbai testnet, due to its high speed and low cost. We have used various te...Read More

