

Incentivize and Build Reputation making Open-Source Contributions

The problem Unite3 solves

Open-source software is becoming increasingly important in the technology industry, with more and more companies using it to build their products. However, while the market for open-source software is growing, the individuals who contribute to these projects often go unrecognized and unrewarded. This lack of recognition and incentivization can be a demotivating factor for open-source contributors, leading to a decrease in contributions and a negative impact on the quality of open-source software. It's time for us to acknowledge the hard work of these contributors and provide them with the recognition and incentives they deserve, in order to ensure the continued growth and success of the open-source market.

This issue can be solved by creating a decentralized platform that allows users to submit contributions and allows companies to list Open-Source projects where users can contribute and get incentivized and can build reputation. The entire process can be automated using smart contracts on the blockchain, making it secure and tamper-proof. Such an open-source recognition and reward mechanism can motivate open-source developers to contribute more actively and consistently to the projects they work on. Moreover, it can provide a transparent and democratic system for recognizing the contributions of developers, which can help build a stronger and more engaged open-source community.

Challenges we ran into

Sending an NFT as proof of Contribution to the contributor and storing the Contribution Power for every Open-Source Contribution on Filecoin Network was somewhat challenging.

Tracks Applied (3)

Open To All

Successful completion of building and shipping this project under this hackathon makes us eligible for this track.

Ethereum + Polygon Track

The platform's smart contracts are deployed on Polygon and Ethereum Network which makes it multichain and also the NFT c...Read More



We are using IPFS as its storage solution for secure and decentralized data storage. All assets, metadata, and NFTs are ...Read More

