

Peer-to-peer loan for UniswapV3 LP Tokens. User lists his/her NFT on the platform, all the listed NFTs are available on the Lend page on which users can lend money to the NFTs.

The problem UniLoan solves

NFTs as collateral are quite difficult to implement as the price of the NFT is volatile, our platform tries to solve this problem by using UniswapV3 LP NFTs as collateral for loans. The UniswapV3 LP Tokens are represented as NFTs, Once the user buys it he/she gets fees on that NFT. But if the user needs some money selling the NFT is the only option, On our dapp users can stake their NFT and get a loan against it. It implements a peer-to-peer lending and borrowing contract. Lenders can lend their USDC to the NFT owners and gain the interest of that NFT by lending less amount than the NFT's underlying liquidity.

Challenges I ran into

We ran into a number of challenges, transferring NFTs was cumbersome but Moralis made it quite easy for us. Also integrating the frontend to the backend(smart contracts) was a difficult task to accomplish.
