
A one stop destination for all things student, be it ordering essentials or keeping track of important documents

The problem UniFresh.life solves

Students applying for colleges outside of their hometowns have to manage packing and moving their essentials alongside the mammoth task of preparing themselves for the University life. The lack of information about the whereabouts of the campus add to the confusion. Add to this, the hassle of amount of paperwork required to get anything done in India is immense, but only half of what the lack of information about the prerequisites packs. The application for Aadhar card, the most basic need for a citizen of the nation,itself requires a herculean effort. Add in the today's fast paced stressful lifestyles, and we end up with a huge gap between thestudents and their basic need. Presenting a solution, UniFresh, a one-stop platform that provides all essential items in a single basket, delivered to the students' new doorstep. Coupled with a block-chain based cloud storage that keeps all important documents employing a decentralised approach. The website itself is hosted on the Ethereum (Polygon) network to strengthen the security of personal sensitive information. To further help students stepping out starting a new phase of life, a friendly recommendations bot that fetches the required documents to get a particular task done. The bot also doubles as a resume-curator, assisting the students with their internship applications.

Challenges we ran into

Our drive stemmed out of the exact problems we faced not more than a year ago, when we had to leave the comfort of our homes and step out into the world. All of us belong to Delhi, a city 6 hours away from Patiala, yet completely foreign in terms of culture. Given the ambitiousness of the idea itself, which was born out of combining 3 different ones while brainstorming, the problem we tackled was our technical expertise bottleneck. The execution of the same required a skillset far beyond the scope that could be expected out of a college sophomore.
