

Unviersal Farcaster Frame components for NFT marketplaces

The problem Uniframe solves

Farcaster is a perfect social network to find a product market fit and bring new users to your product.
I have decided to build a set of pre-made, easy-to-use frames and components for anyone who wants to play show, mint, and distribute NFTs to their users. Moreover components can help you to build your own frames easily.

Take it as a nuxt/ui for Farcaster Frames:

  • πŸŽ²β¬…οΈβž‘οΈ Buttons that help you to navigate through the list (next, previous, random...)
  • πŸ’… Beautifully crafted Success πŸŽ‰ and Error 😭 Frames
  • πŸ“ˆ Standardized way to make calls πŸ“ž and move through other frames - so you do not need to play mental gymnastics

The built-in components:

  • POAP - Distribute your poap - just paste your address
  • Gallery - View art from collection particular collection
  • GenArt - Generate previews of generative art on the fly!

Why universal?
Frames do not make any assumptions about the blockchain you use; therefore are agnostic to use with any blockchain.
Moreover, component fetching of the data does not require costly access to the RPC; you can use the API of your dreams - QuickNode, Alchemy, or KodaDot.

I wrote this proof-of-concept using the Polkadot-JS library, but the backend is written well, so you can bring your own blockchain.

Logos were designed by Exez

Challenges I ran into

Frog was released a few days ago, so I decided to try it.

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
