Uniform Marking Scheme: Leveling the Playing Field

Addressing the disparities in academic grading standards across India, our Uniform Marking Scheme Module aims to create a fair and transparent recruitment process for government positions.

The problem Uniform Marking Scheme: Leveling the Playing Field solves

Standardized Evaluation Criteria. 1) Consistent Marking Scheme: A standardized marking scheme ensures fairness in evaluating academic performance across state boards. 2) Seamless Grade Conversion: Robust guidelines convert grades and marks from diverse boards into a unified format for fair comparison. 3) Transparent Process: Detailed information on grading criteria empowers candidates to understand the assessment process.

Challenges we ran into

1.When researching the statement we ran into an india today article which says that now from 2023 onwards the inda post will conduct an common examination which will be conducted in 3 phases prelims mains and interview which removes any kind of unfairness between students frim different education board as now they noly have to pass the examination . so we made a solution based on selection format before 2022 .
2. when finding a solution for the standardisation of the marks we thought that that we can standardise the marks of different board based on the difficulty of exam (like jee ) and create a dataset and make a machine learning model (classification model)
which can predict the eligibility of the candidate as we can not standardise the marks of different boards because of the difference in the syllabus of different board differnet examination pattern of each board and considering that we all know that
ICSC board has harder syllabus than cbse board but still the passing percentage in icsc is 98 % and passing percentage of cbse is 94 % so making a model like that would be completely useless and impractical as it create more unfairness instead of decreasing it .
