Unified Garbage Control

Unified Garbage Control

Better spend Work and Energy on Garbage

The problem Unified Garbage Control solves

It reduces the randomness in the system of Solid Waste management, a unified platform is generated with reducing the time taken by individual digital platforms of respective municipalties. The main object is to Bind Legal Structure, the Providers of management accessories and municipalties under on simplified platform. The time taken to resolve one particular problem requested by a user/citizen usually take a lot of time to be rectified and resolved, our soul motto is to reduce the time taken and Notify the Upper Executive of the Municipal Corp if the Dignified and Specified Person/Executive is unable to do the Prescribed job. Making the heirarchial distribiution of executives beneficial for the common kind.

Challenges we ran into

The main challenges we ran into is to create a Backend network of Database to Manage and Subdue every data we receive on a sample process , receiving the data through prescribed surveys. Another predominant one was to incept the coding concepts of web development, they were quite new for us.
