Created on 19th March 2023
• An integrated platform for guiding aspiring entrepreneurs, idea nurturing, connecting with incubators, extending mentoring and handholding support, creating financial and marketing linkages, and complying with legal and statutory compliances for starting a business. This single-window platform for entrepreneurs will bring all the stakeholders under one umbrella.
• We recognized that getting started with one's own business is often a daunting task. So many times, entrepreneurs have great ideas but lack execution because of not know much about the managerial or financial aspects of running their business. Unicorn brings together all of the stakeholders under one umbrella to facilitate efficient and convenient collaboration among all parties, thereby creating a win-win situation.
• The vision of Unicorn is to provide a comprehensive and accessible resource hub for individuals interested in starting their own businesses. This platform would aim to offer a range of tools, resources, and support services to help aspiring entrepreneurs navigate the challenges of starting and growing a business.
• Our mission is to create a supportive and collaborative ecosystem that empowers entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into successful businesses. This platform can help entrepreneurs overcome the challenges and barriers they may face and ultimately achieve their goals by providing access to the resources, education, funding, mentorship, and services they need.
• Unicorn focuses on the following sustainable goals proposed by the United Nations :-
GOAL 8 - Decent Work And Economic Growth Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.
GOAL 9 - Industries, Innovation And Infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
• Technical setup issue while working with SMTP requests using flask mail extension.
• Integrating various schemas of the database and keeping track of the status of requests.
• Gathering datasets for performing EDA regarding the market analysis.
• Finding free APIs that met all of our requirements.
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