Created on 7th March 2021
As we see in our current situations, most of the universities are still having their most of the facilities avaliable only in offline mode to students, they dont support automation of various offline tasks in online ways, Hence the need for UNIAutoMate, This application allow's the students and responsible authorities to connect to each other with medium being the internet, It exposes various college facilities to students and gives them a way to use/inquire about various University facilities through online mode. It bridge the gap between students and their usage of facilities, All while providing a very nice and interactive GUI which is easy to understand as well! Not only on students part but we also have an admin portal where the respective college facilities can actually see all the requests/orders made by students and aknowledge (or decline) them! This also allows for easy to handle platform which can be used to serve all the student request and satisfy all their requests!
Being first year students somewhat new into the world of hackathons and developement, one of the primary challenges we faced was deciding the project structure and the overall macro direction we take for implementing our idea. Furthermore, deciding on the tech stack was also a dilemma : the backend developer in our team was familiar with php, but for this project, we wanted to settle for something that is modern, quick and cutting edge. After some research, we settled for Django as our backend framework, but that also meant learning the syntax and core concepts in a very short amount of time. It was an uphill task, but we well our passion for coding took over, and a few sleepless nights later we ultimately ended up being successful in coding up a functioning backend in Django. Some other challenges included responsivity and the general design of the website, we had to really dig deep into the Bootstrap docs to get the webpage design that we envisioned.