
For Every Student,Every Classroom Built By Students For Teachers



For Every Student,Every Classroom Built By Students For Teachers

The problem Uncheat solves

Now a Days due to pandemic situation all the classes are being conducted through digital medium and teachers are unable to test if what they are conveying is being grasped by the students, there by it results in the decrease in performance due to inappropriate and unorganised tests because tests are one of the main mediums through which it can be tested for subjects theoritical as well as practical subjects.
Most people were using different forms to conduct tests but there was unavaibility of proper invigilation during those test which results in inappropriate result in which the deserving as well as the one who copied gets the same marks.

There are a lot of Schools, Colledges and other privately owned small institutions which cannot afford to pay for huge charges to obtain a system where they have students less than 50 in a batch and they are realying on parents to monitor there children while they are giving tests which creates more pressure on the parents because they also have to work to earn a living in this pandemic situation.

Our System Solves all this issue and provides an interface as easy as google forms so that exams and tests can be conducted in a efficient manner without paying or thinking about the infrastructure

Challenges we ran into

The most challenging issue we ran into was to turn off the keyboard while in exam mode.
To solve it we thought of the best jugar prize and so we made the changes like if any key is pressed it will result in termination of exam so you can only use the left mouse button.
