

Each and every vote is important and U-ELECT makes it possible.

The problem U-Elect solves

The Existing System of Election is running manually. The Voter has to Visit to Booths to Vote a Candidate so there is wastage of Time. Due to this many people don’t go out to cast their vote which is one of the most important and Worrying factor. In
democracy Each and every vote is important. This Traditional system can be replaced
by a new online system which will limit the voting frauds and make the voting as well
as counting more efficient and transparent.

The current voting system requires some improvement in it because of the issues
mentioned above. This can be achieved by replacing the existing system by the new
system which will limit the voting frauds and make the voting as well as counting more

  • Online Election System would have user registration, user login and
    admin login.
  • This Online Voting System will manage the Voter’s information by
    which voter can login and use his voting rights.
  • At the time of registration voter will be asked for this: Full name, age,
    Aadhaar card no, mobile no. email id and after being verified will be
    given the access.
  • At the time of requesting vote, voter will be asked to enter his Aadhaar
    id. Then voter will be authenticated, and he can give vote from one of the
    candidate from the list .Voters can vote for a Candidate only once per
  • The software system allows the user to login in to their profiles and
    upload all their details including their previous milestone onto the
    system. The admin can check each Candidate details.
  • The software system also allows Voters to view a list of Candidates in
    their area. The admin has overall rights over the system and can moderate
    and delete any details not pertaining to Election Rules.

Challenges we ran into

There were many challenges we faced during the development of this app, But Adding Phantom wallet instead of metamask which is the popular wallet was Challenging but mentors helped through.
