UAV controlled Traffic Management System

Our main objective is to manage the traffic efficiently and to avoid accidents which occur because of traffic. So we use Drone Technology which is integrated with AI and Computer Vision.


UAV controlled Traffic Management System

Our main objective is to manage the traffic efficiently and to avoid accidents which occur because of traffic. So we use Drone Technology which is integrated with AI and Computer Vision.

The problem UAV controlled Traffic Management System solves

Our main objective is to manage the traffic effciently and to avoid accidents which occur because of traffic. So for this problem, solution can be attained through Drone Technology which is integrated with Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision.

By the cameras fixed to the drones, it analyses the environment (traffic), by using Computer Vision and AI it can identify the intense of objects (vehicles) and calculates the approximate time to clear the traffic. If the opposite lane has less or no vehicles automatically with the calculation and observation of drones we can manipulate the traffic signals without any human intervention.

The major domains integrated in this initiative are Artificial Intelligence, Deep learning, Computer Vision, Sensors and 5G technology.

Challenges we ran into

The challenges happened to us when we started our project were, mainly because of lockdown we could'nt group and indulge ourselves into our plan, we overcame that by conference calls, meets, Github for our codes etc.., We started to learn AI only after this plan. At first, there were somr errors in the implementation, after our continuous practice we got the plan into an effective model.
