Two wheeler Fall detection system using IOT

Two wheeler Fall detection system using IOT

In this hackathon, we have created an emergency SOS device, that detects falls from two-wheeler accidents, and accordingly triggers an emergency response and call for help.

Created on 9th August 2022

Two wheeler Fall detection system using IOT

Two wheeler Fall detection system using IOT

In this hackathon, we have created an emergency SOS device, that detects falls from two-wheeler accidents, and accordingly triggers an emergency response and call for help.

The problem Two wheeler Fall detection system using IOT solves

As two-wheelers become more popular in the absence of public transport, the number of road accidents involving these is also growing. More than a third (37%) of those killed in road accidents in 2022 were two-wheeler riders, noted a Ministry of Road Transport and Highways report published this year. In times of accidents, Our prototype is used to intimate the injured one’s family, in which we have designed an emergency SOS device with MPU6050 sensors, GPS, AND GSM MODULE

The MPU6050 sensor in the device detects the angle of the vehicle. As in the time of the accident the angle of the vehicle changes. This sensor detects the change in the angle and sends the message to parents through the GSM module, with the help of the GPS live tracking system and JSON libraries, and google maps API, we were able to find nearby hospitals which are located near the accident spot and report through an automatically recorded voice call, by implementing this prototype in society it will safeguard the victim life who has met with an accident.

Challenges I ran into

The major challenge which we have faced while developing the prototype

*Interfacing each sensor was a little bit hectic task for us.
*In order to fetch the phone numbers of the hospitals were a little bit difficult, as most of the hospitals have not provided number on google maps
*Mounting of our device in the vehicle was indescribable, as the prototype would be easily damaged, during the accident.

We have overcome these hurdles with the help of suggestions given by our mentors.


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