Twitter Web3.0

Twitter Web3.0

It’s a Decentralized Twitter Concept where It follows twitter functionality and users can create their own NFT and mint it and also set this NFT as their profile picture linked to their profile.

The problem Twitter Web3.0 solves

It’s a Decentralized Twitter where users can create their own NFT and mint it and also set this NFT as their profile picture linked to their profile . it's user -friendly and gives more security to the user and make the database and personal information more secure. Decentralized database makes easy to find the node in the blockchain where it is stored . we have used IPFS to store minted pictures on pinata and even can check it on ipfs browser that it follows the rules and shows the minted picture on georli testnest network. we have deployed it on ethcode and we have made smart contract in ethereum.

Challenges we ran into

Even though our team had knowledge of various techstacks, we still had quite a hurdles.

Chirag - For him, it was his second time developing on ethereum blockchain on a next.js application, using IPFS ,sanity database and ethcode and making smart contract on solidity. Also, he had to learn how to use Lens Protocol. For him, deploying on ethcode was new experience .

Lakshya - For him, it was his first time integrating with nextjs and metamask . He collaborated with Chirag to integrate and fix the crucial bugs for the smart contract and minting.

Harsh - For him, it was his first time particpating in a hackathon and he was quite thrilled and did a great job. he played role in building the frontend and ppt . he was the lead in designing and beautifying the website using tailwindcss. he took time designing the UI for the website but achieved the desired look.
