
This is a real-time twitter sentimental analyses program.


The problem Twitosphere solves

Lets first talk about what this program does and how.
This is a webpage to which you can enter any keyword of your choice which may be anything like name, hashtag, event, product, service, law. This then fetch tweets with that specific keyword in real-time and then analyse that for positive, negative or neutral feeling on that.
This can be used in various fields like:
Business - Here it can be used to understand the feeling of the customers towards the brand or the product, and also to understand what issues are commonly faced by their customers or what they wish major improvement on the next product should be.
Politics - Here it can be used to track the consistency of the governing body's statements and actions. It can also help to predict the results of upcoming elections.
Public Actions - This can be used to get views of the general public for a political party or a bill or any other action of the government. Determine the general mood of the influencers on twitter and also monitor social phenomena to spot potentially dangerous situations.

Challenges I ran into

The front end was in HTML, CSS, and JS and our backend was in python. We were required to get user input on the webpage and pass that to the python program and pass the result of the python program to frontend and then display it on our webpage. This is was a major challenge faced as HTML and frontend is outside my comfort zone. And for backend, a challenge I can run into was cleaning the data fetched and another major challenge was identifying sarcastic tweets.
