Open source Diagnostic/Monitoring kit for CoVID-19

Aiming towards a Point-of-care diagnostic toolkit for Covid-19


Open source Diagnostic/Monitoring kit for CoVID-19

Aiming towards a Point-of-care diagnostic toolkit for Covid-19

The problem Open source Diagnostic/Monitoring kit for CoVID-19 solves

In these unprecedented times, where it is very hard to keep a track of all those infected by this virus, an even bigger problem is to manage so many patients into the hospitals. Hospital beds are lacking for those in actual need of a ventilator. Although this is just a basic idea, it has been designed keeping in mind that multiple patients tested positive for Covid 19 can be self-quarantined in their home or a separately isolated place while this device can help the user/patient to self-monitor the parameters and an emergency signal is reported to the hospital in case required.

  1. A separate alarming circuit is provided that informs the patient as well as informs (calls emergency number) the nearby
    hospital immediately. (Can be done via a Wifi module or IOT setups)
  2. As all the sensors are managed by their individual slide switches, it is easy to operate
  3. A 16*2 wide LCD screen makes it easier for the patient to visualise the process parameters.
  4. Apart from the LCD screen, a separate serial monitor provides the continuous values from the sensor for the managing
    authority to check later.

Challenges we ran into

This Circuit is from my Tinkercad account interface.

  1. Using a Push Button to reflect Heart beats: Here, due to limited resources available on the Tinkercad platform we design the heart rate sensor using a Push button. The code is designed in such a way that each time when the user pushes the button, it counts the number of clicks (considered as individual heart beats) and also calculates the time duration (in milliseconds) between successive clicks (corresponding to the synchronicity of heart beats which in turn account for the user’s Heart rate). Based on the frequency of button clicks/ beating of the heart, Heart Rate is calculated. This algorithm closely reflects the actual Rate of a patient and quite easy to operate. Now after the Heart rate is calculated, loops are set up so as to warn in abnormal conditions like Bradycardia (Slower Heart rate) and Tachycardia (Faster Heart rate).

The most ideal patient for this sensors is one who has already been diagnosed with Covid and is under self-quarantine as it may help to remotely monitor the parameters at a continuous pace and report under conditions of emergency.
