Tweet Away Bot

A Twitter Bot that Autoreplies to tagged tweets, Re-tweets, Likes posts based off a filter and Follows users.

The problem Tweet Away Bot solves

A twitter bot is useful in various ways such as for broadcasting important content like weather emergencies in real time(implementation: to do), sharing informative content, and generating automatic replies via direct messaging, or even by @mentioned/@tagged tweets. It automatically follows its followers, saving time and hassle. For active accounts it's a boon because it automatically Retweets & Likes other tweets based off a filtered search, again saving tons of time.

Challenges we ran into

We did run into a couple errors. The functions for creating API objects had a code bit for storing environment variables, that (no matter what) returned a default NoneType. After lots of tries, the mentor suggested to directly plug in values in the code. That worked. Also, we planned to built a web-based application of our bot, using Flask. We coded all the templates, & the application(app.y), and on running flask, some reason it doesen't budge to anything other than a 404&500 error. I did run all the templates on my own IIS/root folder, and YES, they all function fine, except the flask run part. We really did run out of time, because if we couldn't problem solve this issue, we would have used Docker. & Docker doesen't need any extra code apart from what we coded.
