
The Student Network



The Student Network

The problem Twaddle solves

The problems Twaddle aims to solve are :

  1. The declining student-educator understanding/interaction:
    Providing educators with Data Analytics and Data Visualization insights to better understand the students and interact with them with respect to their interests and activities on the platform.

  2. Leveraging the evergrowing presence of students online :
    Covid-19 has escalated the online presence of students and teachers massively. Engaging students with a platform that encourages a free flow of ideas, problems, and resources for productive activities across academic and extracurricular domains with like-minded people could do wonders.

  3. National level platform for educators and students :
    Developing a nationwide student-educator ecosystem to equip students with connections and teachers with resources is vital to introduce homogeneity in the education sector.

Challenges we ran into

Narrowing down to the crux of the app, when we were flooded with ideas for features and implementations was the main challenge.
