Share Your Travel Stories.



Share Your Travel Stories.

The problem TRIPBOOK solves

A web application for travelers to share their travel stories as a timeline. It is a fusion of a travel blog and social media platform.
In this app, travelers can create a timeline and seamlessly track their trip while sharing it with other travelers who may or may not have visited that place. In this way, visitors can ensure they do not miss out on creating precious memories of that place.

● Sign in with Google
● Tripper Profile
● Search other Trippers
● Follow Other Trippers
● Create Trips and upload Moments
● View Complete Trip Timeline
● Cross-platform
● Progressive Web App (PWA)

Challenges I ran into

Future Scope
● Connect and chat with other Travellers
● Create a travelbook out of your trips
● Improve privacy through Settings
● Trip and Moment templates
