Created on 21st June 2020
We were motivated to build this project by the increasing discompforatablility of therapist and doctors of not able to treat their patients because of the current locdown and COVID-19 safety measures.
Thousands of children undergoing issue after accidents, brain surgery, parkinson's disease , etc.. are stranded with no help to continue their recovery exercises.
It is not easy to treat children or teens the same way like treating an adult as extensive care and guidance is a necessity. The therapist needs to sit together and instruct the children on how to work on the exercises properly so that children can get a better recovery.
After some research we found that gaming are the most effective way of improving children and teens recovery as it makes the process fun and enjoyable. Thus, we build a gaming system in which children can place our IOT devices on their wrists.
They are guided through different level by instructions which we integrated using EchoAR, which makes them more enthusiastic towards getting good score which directly helps them improve their tremors. We guide them through instructions before each level and they have option to educate themself with level menu, this can help our child improve consciousness towards how to work on their therapy in the best way. Such systems are lacking a lot in current medical industry.
Another issue for therapists now is keeping track of children progress. So whenever our children play games, we get the hand movement data from the iot devices and also from the gaming software. This is send to the therapist mobile by building an mobile application exclusively to keep track of the patients and get detailed analysis regarding the progress of each patients.
This gives the therapist to remotely monitor children, track progress and take better decesions in future.
The data we collect can also be used to build a better healthcare systems later in future for the way therapies are performed and transform medical industry.
1.Building Gaming Software:
We are web developers and hardware people and dont know much about how a gaming engine works. We had to go through different places on how to build a game and how to work with an hardware data with game.
We divided the work and we started to learn by watching tutorials first. Then we started to think how our software must work, and started to read documentation and build it.
2.Integrating firebase on a game engine:
We had used Godot engine for the game development. And there is no official support of firebase. We have our therapist data send to their mobile devices using firebase as backend. But integrating firebase to Godot was a bit challenge.
We had to use API's and connect everything. We made authentication by using the firebase api key with javascript. So we had to integrate javascript code with GDScript(Godot's language) code
3.Understanding the issue:
We had this idea but didnt know how great it would be. Hence we had to call a few doctors and therapist and understand how important the issue was and learn from them what all challenges they face and accordingly build our product. We also had to research about children and teens mentality and what motivated them more. We asked a few experts which ultimately guided us towards the path of developing the game.
4. Dividing the work and testing:
Due to lockdown, we all teem mates are at diffrent location. SInce its a hardware based hack we need to integrate and test realtime. This was an major issue.
Every time we make some changes in software we pushed the code to github. We used Google meet to comunicate and the person building the hardware would download the changes locally and test them.