Treatment Chain

The decentralized blockchain based solution to record Electronic Medical Record of patient as blocks from various hospitals and maintaining privacya and anonmymity, AI is used for research using block

Created on 13th December 2020


Treatment Chain

The decentralized blockchain based solution to record Electronic Medical Record of patient as blocks from various hospitals and maintaining privacya and anonmymity, AI is used for research using block

The problem Treatment Chain solves

This problem will help to accelerate the research on all known and unknown disease to find the cure for various medical institute. The major purpose behind the project creation is to contribute the problem of COVID-19 pandemic. Using the blockchain to record the patient Electronic Medical Record as transactions while maintaining privacy and anonymity of Patient,Hospitals and Research institute. These transaction will be have certain intelligent validations. There will be incentives for participating in the network and generating electronic medical records(Blocks). Then the Research Institute will able to apply the Machine Learning Models on various diseases by collecting on those blocks which they need.Research Institute dont need to store every record on longest chain. The above approach solves a lot of various problems like medical quality, how much expense for certain disease as well as the it is the patient centric approach maintaining the privacy of the patient at the same time.

Challenges we ran into

There were many challanges that we run into, We describe some major challanges here: The problem of calculating incentive in order to see the widespread adoption of the project was the major challange. We applied the approach of Shanon Information Entropy to calculate the value of the data and distribute that values among the producer and verifier in the network, Next was the validation that the same patient data shouldn't be used as the transaction by two different nodes at the same time. We used the Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism, the popular approach adopted the first successful cryptocrurency. The other challanges were to validate whether the participating parties are verified i.e. the information of the institute exist in the system is valid, for that we have used third party API. Same we did for validating the identity of the citizen. Another challange we ran into was that one wallet for one hospital should be there so that no party can take incentive while signing the transactions(records) with multiple wallets. We used the IP masking and DNS A records for nodes connecting and storing thier data as digest for securing those anonymity in the system. If any hospital doesn't run the system or leaves at will it will removed from the DNS by sync with other nodes on network. The other challange was the possibility of the DDOS attack. We reduced this possibility by having the approach that every hospital who newly joined the system will not able to see unverified records until it contribute to the network by making a record.


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