

Dont worry about Overpricing If we are here!

The problem TravelBuddy solves

Enhancing Tourist Experience

Locating Reliable Local Businesses: Tourists often face challenges in identifying trustworthy local businesses, leading to concerns about overcharging and the authenticity of goods and services.
Ensuring Safety and Security: Navigating unfamiliar territories can pose risks to tourists. Having access to real-time travel advisories and verified emergency contacts becomes crucial for a safer travel experience.
Transparent Pricing and Quality Assurance: Tourists may struggle to find the best deals and authentic products. The platform addresses this by providing transparent pricing, quality assurance, and community-driven reviews.

How Our Website Solves These Issues

1. Comprehensive Directory:

  • A robust directory of local services, including restaurants, transportation, accommodations, and attractions.
  • Detailed information, reviews, and safety ratings assist tourists in making informed decisions.

2. Real-time Travel Advisories:

  • Integration of a system that provides real-time travel advisories and alerts.
  • Notifications keep tourists informed about potential safety concerns or incidents in the area they are visiting.

3. Verified Local Businesses:

  • Rigorous verification process for local businesses to ensure legitimacy and compliance with safety standards.
  • Businesses that pass the validation process are awarded a verified badge.

4. Transparent Pricing Comparison:

  • Tool to compare prices for goods and services, preventing overcharging.
  • Real-time updates and user-generated data contribute to transparent pricing.

5. Community Reviews and Ratings:

  • Tourists can provide safety ratings and reviews for businesses and services.
  • Community feedback guides others in making safer and more informed choices.

6. Emergency Contact Information:

  • Easily accessible section with emergency contact information

Challenges we ran into

Challenges We Ran Into

Obtaining Google Cloud API Key

One significant challenge we encountered during the project was obtaining the Google Cloud API key for mapping local stores. The initial hurdle arose when we realized that the Google Cloud API key required payment, making it inaccessible for our project's budget constraints.

Overcoming the Challenge

Instead of getting stuck at this roadblock, our team proactively searched for alternative solutions. We explored and found another API that not only fit our budget but also turned out to be a better alternative for rendering local stores on the map.

This challenge taught us the importance of adaptability in the development process. By being resourceful and exploring alternatives, we not only overcame the initial setback but also discovered a solution that better aligned with our project goals.
