

Your Travel Companion

The problem TravelBliss solves

We have to search on Google every time we want to know about Hotels, Restaurants, and Attractions if we are traveling somewhere. The results are also not filtered as we want. This led us to make such an application where we can search anyplace in the whole world and which will tell us about all hotels, restaurants and attractions of that place and filter according to ratings given by other people.

Challenges I ran into

  • It was difficult to show data on the map according to the search
  • Filter the search with rating
  • Working with google-react-map
  • Integrating application with Alan-AI

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • Working with multiple APIs
  • Syncing everything together to create a friendly site
  • Integrating Alan AI

What we learned

  • Integration with Alan AI
  • Google Cloud APIs
  • Working the APIs
  • Testing API on Postman

What's next for TravelBliss

  • Adding feature of booking rooms in hotels
  • Adding feature of booking table in restaurant beforehand
  • Adding feature of how to travel
  • Cost of traveling from one place to another

GoDaddy registered domain
