
Data is the new oil

The problem TravelAmigo solves

Inter-State Migration is a very common phenomenon where people from one state migrate to other states in search of better livelihood, health care, education , tourism.
This may be a serious concern for both states. The state with inflow may not have enough resources to cater to the needs of incoming people. (For eg. Delhi came in news a few months ago with its confusing decision to restrict the access to hospitals of delhi only for the residents of Delhi).
For the state with outflow, this may be a serious reason for concern as it may hinder the development of our state. (For eg. Labourers from Bihar Jharkhand migrate to Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and other states in search of work leaving their homeland devoid of their talent). Similar concerns may arise in HealthCare and Education sector. Lack of proper data may hinder the process of calculating the exact amount of resources required for the extraction of people from other states in times of pandemic like Covid-19 and this creates mass chaos.

  1. A centralised database should be created to store the details from individuals where they can store the details of all their travel through any public transportation.
  2. This data collection should be integrated with railway ticketing service, air ticket booking services and all other forms of transportation.
  3. This collected data can then be used to monitor the inflow and outflow of human resources and formulate various measures to ensure the well being of citizens.
  4. The center may monitor the and provide appropriate funding to enhance the infrastructure to support the need of people. It may release ranking to create a healthy competition .
  5. Each user should be able to see their whole travel history. This would help them to manage their travel records with ease.

Challenges we ran into

Filtering in Django-rest-framework came as a challenge as we had to design custom filter methods. Creation of authentication, based API,so as to ensure the security of user's data was a bit challenging part.
