Travel Post Covid

hidden gems for your quarantrip

The problem Travel Post Covid solves

Here is our little attempt at helping the travel industry resume to business with full power post covid: We the members of dev_squad have made a website, “travelpostcovid” through which people will be able to access information about some unique and hidden spots in our beautiful motherland and will be able to plan their perfect post lockdown trip with full precautions.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Initially we had named our source file tourism.html and the website wasn't working. We googled about our problem and realised that the source file must be name index.html for it to work and then we corrected it.
  2. We were facing some problems with CSS while implementing our design. Our headings weren't visible so we replaced our headings with images and placed our headings below them.
  3. The background image on the homepage wasn't visible and the slideshow images were visible. There was only a small icon for images in place of the background image. We couldn't solve this issue so we removed the background image.

Technologies used
