The problem Travel Diaries solves
All info's at one place from various travelers & bloggers.
Getting to know as specific as it can be about cheap restaurants in a city to rules of the administration there.
- Bored reading stuffs?
Don’t worry we have Videos & Podcast section where any travelers can post videos or podcast related to travelling and users can find about specific category in a city with our filter.
- User Interactive UI for much easier navigation and getting information.
- Since most of the travelling blog sites are maintained by the individual blogger so its not possible to have a lot of content frequently. But our sites solves this issue as here user are audience as well content creator and in this way we can have a lot of much updated content more frequently conveying experience from multiple users.
Challenges we ran into
Since our aim was to categorise content based on multiple categories on basis of type of things we want while travelling from an specific city. So categorising content based on city and then being specific to whether it's related to Hotels, Bars, Restaurants, Famous Places or some Adventure Sports.
We resolved this issue by referring to Documentation of MongoDB as well as StackExchange helped us a lot to resolve the issues.