Travel Buddy

Finest Assistant to all your travelling problems

Created on 21st March 2021


Travel Buddy

Finest Assistant to all your travelling problems

The problem Travel Buddy solves

  1. It gives an overview of the place that you elegant to travel and provides us with popular places to visit nearby

  2. The main problem while travelling is to keep a track on the money we spend so we have come up with expense tracker that keeps a track on the money you spend

  3. User friendly UI

  4. It show location of the destination and nearby popular places on map to get a clear view of the distances between the places and can guide us to best travel plans

Challenges we ran into

1.The first and the foremost challenge was to find the APIs for different purposes i.e for maps, location, etc
2. Bootstrap editing was a bit challenging as the css changing was causing a disalignment and distortion of the webpage. But we manage and try to provide with best user experience on our side.

  1. The travel buddy assistant can be so much cool, but we cannot provide it with more features which would have make it an epic assistant
  2. We are sure that our project could be the one if we could have been a little more careful about time ( time management).


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