Created on 10th April 2021
After observing the new out-growing world in tech sector we have developed the vision of making the young youth of india understand the fundamental of technologies in a fun way so that new and potential brains will develop the concept in their early stage of life. Logic gates are the fundamental of computing in technologies.Suppose there are three boys a, b and c. C wants to go to theatre but his father told him that he will allow him only if at-least any one of his friend (A and B) will go with him. Now the occurrence of C going to theatre will happen if either A or B will go with C. For example if A decided to go then it doesn’t matter the decision of B, C will go anyway.Or gate works exactly if we consider the children as wire and their decision of going as “on” and not going as “off”.Our app have same concept comprising of interactive puzzles.
Lets have example of two girl of radheeka and anisha and give them a task to find the total sum whole 10 numbers starting from 1 to 10. Radheeka started counting the addition from 1 took almost a minute to answer which is “55”. In the other hand anisha smartly know a formula in AP that is n*(n+1)/2 and found the value in just 10 seconds. Here we can say the time complexity of anisha is much faster i.E, 10 sec than the radheeka’s time complexity i.E, 1 min. In programming same logic is applied the only difference is the above paragraph is a real life example which is designed in our app.
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