

Swap n Profit



Swap n Profit

The problem TransiFy solves

You must have seen the price of a coin rising in the crypto market. You eagerly want to buy some of those coins but you can't. One of the reasons is that your funds are locked on some other chain. Also, sometimes the price of the coin falls rapidly in which your funds are locked. Well , worry not. Transify allows you to easily swap your coins from one chain to the other on the go. Without any hectic procedure, your swap is just a click away, all with the help of Router Protocol.

Challenges we ran into

Every developing team faces N number of challenges during the hackathon and our case was no different. The major challenge was to develop a smart contract that could handle the functioning of multiple blockchains. It was quite confusing to write the code from the documentation and at the same time difficult to think of. But Team of Router Protocol was very supportive and we were able to develop an efficient contract
Next, we ran into the never-ending problem of integrating our contract with the front end. We weren't able to implement our functions through the on-screen buttons. The contract worked fine on the Remix IDE but our UI wasn't responding. Again, Shivam Agarwal from Team Router Protocol came to our rescue. He patiently looked through our code and guided us to the necessary corrections in the code.
Some other challenges included the frontend working, some changes in the styles. And not to mention, a lot of fatigue.
But it was fruitful in the end as we were able to transfer cryptocurrencies from one chain to another with almost no effort.

Tracks Applied (2)

Open Track

Cross-chain transfers have been an issue for quite a time. There are many cross chain solutions available but some take ...Read More

Router Protocol

We have built a cross-chain funds transfer platform using Router Protocol. Our platform allows users to swap native cryp...Read More

Router Protocol
