

TransactX , application that makes the use of smart contract to improve the security.

Created on 24th July 2023



TransactX , application that makes the use of smart contract to improve the security.

The problem TransactX solves

Inefficient and insecure transaction processes pose significant challenges for businesses. To address this, there is an urgent demand for a cutting-edge smart contract-based application that ensures smooth and secure transactions, bolstered by advanced blockchain technology. This solution will revolutionize the transactional landscape, offering enhanced security, transparency, and efficiency, while driving growth and trust for businesses worldwide.

Challenges I ran into

Inefficiencies , Security Risks , Lack of Transparency , Limited Accessibility , Regulatory Compliance , Lengthy Settlement Times , Lack of Automation , Scalability Issues , Lack of Trust.

Tracks Applied (1)

Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies

This groundbreaking project leverages the transformative power of blockchain technology and smart contracts to tackle th...Read More


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