
The COVID guide

The problem Tracona solves

TRACONA is an exciting 3-in-1 web application which keeps you aware of the COVID-19 cases in the world, lightens up your mood by letting you enjoy an addictive game, and provides an amazing visualisation of the Corona-virus using a 3D AR model powered by echoAR.

  1. It will spread awareness about the reality of Corona-virus effect in the world.
  2. It will create an interesting platform to learn about Corona-virus
  3. It will encourage people to take care of their health and take preventive measures against it.
  4. It will include games which will help to lighten up the mood at home.
  5. It wll provide an interactive interface for kids to learn about Corona-virus.

Challenges we ran into

We faced a lot of issues while hosting the unity game on the website as we didn't know about WebGL. Watching tutorials from youtube helped overcome this problem. Other than that while hosting the covid tracker website on vercel our light mode website automatically changed to dark mode which we weren't able to fix. We also thought of adding a mask detector but the script was coded in python which we could not integrate with MERN stack.
