

Decentralization for the win! Trackify is a decentralized supply chain management system that allows you to efficiently manage the product distribution chain efficiently yet easily.



Decentralization for the win! Trackify is a decentralized supply chain management system that allows you to efficiently manage the product distribution chain efficiently yet easily.

The problem Trackify solves

Manual, paper-based record-keeping and reporting systems often lead to scattered, incomplete, and unauthentic manifests, bills of lading, certifications, etc. Using Trackify, all supply chain stakeholders can store and share this information securely and simultaneously. Secondly, It is always challenging to track the source of flawed parts and trace the provenance of previously shipped products.
Should something go wrong during the shipping process, the chain of custody can be traced to easily discover when and where the issue occurred.
Trackify has a product’s entire geographic flow. It enables users to track products’ source and flawed components, investigate industry certifications, find storage-condition anomalies, etc.
Trackify thus greatly reduces, if not eliminates, the kind of execution, traceability, and coordination problems that we’ve discussed.
Since participants have their own individual copies of the blockchain, each party can review the status of a transaction, identify errors, and hold counterparties responsible for their actions.
No participant can overwrite past data because doing so would entail having to rewrite all subsequent blocks on all shared copies of the blockchain.

Challenges we ran into

Deploying our entire project on a permissioned private Ethereum blockchain rather than deploying it on Ganache or a public test-net was a major challenge we tried to overcome since there was inadequate documentation available on the implementation of private Ethereum blockchains.
Making the interface user-friendly to adapt to different needs and requirements of the customer, manufacturer and retailer is another issue we’ve tried to resolve since Blockchain Technology as a whole is quite complex to integrate with traditional Web 2.0 browsers.
