Tour Mysuru

To improvise & promote the modern day tourism in Mysuru, our project functions as ALL IN ONE portal.

The problem Tour Mysuru solves

Any tourist who had been to Mysuru must had went through all these issues,

  1. Fare,
  2. Regional eats & beverage, and
  3. Navigation.

So we BARCAMPEEZ came up with a solution which acts as a bridge between a Tourist and the Surrounding. By, Surrounding I mean everything happening around the tourist!

Sounds CRAZY right!!!

Our project is not lesser than the technology assistants we are using in the current world by reputed companies. The only difference is that we are not reputed yet!!


And it also has bee designed keenly to sort all the following tasks.

All the below mentioned booking facilities are available in our project:-

  1. Accomodation
  2. Sight-seeing
  3. Tourist places & their descriptions
  4. Rental travelling service

Challenges we ran into

1.Few of the challenges were that giving detailed view about Mysuru in concise way so that user does not get bored away, to overcome that we have divided information into mini chuncks which makes the website light as well easy for the user to see and grasp.
2.Another Bug present in the project is the API connection for Hotel Prices and Tarvel Prices for Mysuru.
3.And Lastly, one minor hurdle was remote communication, but thanks to the team for being cooperative and diligent to make the project working in such short amount of time.
