

Show gratitude for social media content with CO2 retirement. Use our Lens collect module to automatically retire Toucan`s NCT and challenge other Bloomers to compete for more CO2 offset

Created on 17th September 2022



Show gratitude for social media content with CO2 retirement. Use our Lens collect module to automatically retire Toucan`s NCT and challenge other Bloomers to compete for more CO2 offset

The problem ToucanFrens solves

Carbon neutralization has no personal benchmarks

I might feel I am very eco savvy person, but that still might be under par of my peers. And even not enough to make planet less burning.

Our high level take

  • make carbon retirement as easy as liking a post (Lens + Toucan)
  • engage content creators in "competitions" among others to retire as much CO2 (Lens + Dune + Toucan)
  • give end users visibility how they do (Dune)

Our Solution

Next Steps

  • make it look nice!
  • team up with the Lens front end services (eg to bring everyday visibility
  • gamify

Links to underlying projects

Challenges we ran into

Deployment with TypeScript
We have no front end specialist on our team, so we cannot make it full-fledged app (now!)
Dune data is on mainnet, we can whitelist modules only on test net


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