Total Home Security System

It is for detecting an intrusion into a monitored area (camera) by sensor,a password based entrance via a mobile app,detect gas leakage and fire breakout. It alerts the homeowner and their neighbors.


Created on 29th January 2020


Total Home Security System

It is for detecting an intrusion into a monitored area (camera) by sensor,a password based entrance via a mobile app,detect gas leakage and fire breakout. It alerts the homeowner and their neighbors.

The problem Total Home Security System solves

Security is the main concern for everyone. It solves the problem of Home security in a collective manner. If any of the following conditions –
Password is entered wrong , Increase in temperature, Intrusion through window, LPG Gas leakage is detected
A message is notified on the Blynk app on the owner’s mobile, Buzzer rings showing some risk, Message is sent to the homeowner and other networked home owners and IP camera records the fishy activity.
Also, many houses will be connected to each other in a network wherein each house has its own security system. If any malicious activity takes place in any of the houses then all other houses in the network are also notified.
Thus this system provides a complete security to any house when the user is or not present in the house. It provides a combo package which is cost effective and efficient as well.

Challenges I ran into

As the project is hardware based we faced certain issues regarding the sensors taking proper inputs, processing of it and thus providing the desired outputs. We needed to take special care of the hardware used. The making of the alerts to the users were also quite challenging.


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