
Peer to Peer Blogging platform

The problem Toss solves

Peer to Peer content sharing was once the much controversial technology that we all loved. Despite having centralized Content sharing and Blogging Platform like Medium which heavily uses paywalls and monetizing strategies to squeeze the curious reader's wallets. We present to you Toss, the solution where you can host the Article on your own or on your friend's system.
Simply speeking, you don't just own the content, you own the platform.

It is basicallly torrents for articles, blogs or any content you wish to share. Since it works on torrents, the content and its popularity is based on the seeds and the peers viewing/ reading the content. This gives us amazing freedom in a world where you and your content is not judged by an algorithm, but rather its judged by how cool and interesting it is.

Web-torrent gives us the capability to host the entire platfrom in a decentralized pattern. This is an amazing technology that must be and can be explored and capitalized more.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Using Webtorrent: Implementing its API and hosting it in client's browser as a simple static site.
  2. Tracker Implementation: Setting up a custom tracker and hosting it, plus the ability for the client to connect to it,
  3. Markdown Support: We were successfully able to implement and support markdown and HTML with a very intuitive interface.
  4. Deploying: Live deployment of the entire project was a pain in the ass. Hence we solved that too!
