

Simplify Event Rewards, Community & Growth

The problem TokenUp solves

Every community, DAO, or protocol organizes Web3 events to share knowledge, impart developer skills and grow the ecosystem. Very few of the events reward attendees with POAP or NFT; such events aim to onboard maximum new users in the ecosystem. TokenUp streamlines the process of rewarding participants for attending community event, DAOs call and protocol sync up. The event managers can create NFT collection and airdrop it in just few seconds. Well there are many use cases that we are covering around:

Features it provides:

  1. NFT as ticket: Our NFT smart contract factory creates an NFT collection on the Polygon Mumbai network and later it can be airdropped to multiple participants.
  2. Mint NFT: Once the manager creates a collection, one can share the claim NFT link to the list of participants in a single click. Just share the claimable link, and we will handle everything for you!
  3. NFT as Proof of Attendance: Your collection can be spin around multiple use cases for events and a lot more.
  4. Personalised dashboard: Owners can track their past and current collections and the mint count. Further, the income can be claimed for the same.

Challenges we ran into

  • We faced some issues with wagmi hooks during uploading metadata of NFT and creating a collection. Using ethers, we solved the issue and made seamless UX.
  • Providing multiple options on NFT collection like claim link and airdrop was challenging. We are still working on other features.

Tracks Applied (2)

NFT, Art & Gaming

We have implemented ERC721 and ERC1155 for simplifying event rewards and growth. One can create and share mint link to t...Read More


Any community or DAOs can use this no-code tool to easily create NFT collection and share claim link to the participants...Read More
