Tokenised Subscriptions on Solana

Tokenised Subscriptions on Solana

Make your Subscriptions Decentralised

The problem Tokenised Subscriptions on Solana solves

Right now, a lot of users share the subscription with thier other people which cause losses to the companies and less customers. But with the monetary value related to the blockchain, people don't like to share thier wallets' seed phrase or private keys with someone else. This may further increase the users and decrease the shared subscriptions.

Right now, if someone wants to transfer the project, they can't. But with tokenised Subscription, people can sell their subscription NFT on marketplaces with some royalities to the company, profiting the company and helping the users to sell the subscriptions they don't want to use.

Right now, if some platforms need to collabaorate and give the subscribers of some other platform, have to contact and integrate with the companies. With tokenised subscriptions, they can direclty check if a certain wallet own some NFT and can provide the services it wants to offer.

Challenges we ran into

The biggest challenge we faced is to build the decaying NFT. Cardinal Labs provide token manager program to do so, but the options they provide are not vercetile. We will build our program over Cardinal Labs token manager program to support our use case. For now, we are minting NFTs and pinning their validity in json and checking everytime if someone has to use the subscription.
