Created on 9th June 2023
Lens is a breakthrough and we think we can use it to totally change the investing landscape by making it social. Currently the Lens social graph is enabling new social experiences across the industry, however existing apps feel very much like they are replicating web2 experiences. We think that web3 social should be the intersection of social and investing.
We want to solve this by enabling more personalised experiences of the Lens social graph. We will make it easier than ever for users to see social posts about the tokens they care about, as well as enabling users to invest in those tokens seamlessly.
Future Lens/ possibilities:
Filter Lens posts has been the hardest challenge. After querying the latest non-mirrored posts on Lens Protocol we are going thourgh a keyword-based context scraping in order to get the best trending tokens posts.
We will be able to improve the filtering in the future.
Tracks Applied (1)
Technologies used