To Do List App

To Do List App

Manage all your tasks and work with Smart To-Do App based on BlockChain Technology

Created on 1st March 2023

To Do List App

To Do List App

Manage all your tasks and work with Smart To-Do App based on BlockChain Technology

The problem To Do List App solves

It is a Decentralized App for managing tasks and work of a day or any period of time.
It based on Ethereum Technology where on adding or removing any task for list it costs a certain gas fees.
The project is currently deployed using the Ethereum Goerli TestNet using Alchemy.
This system is fully reliable as everytime an operation is performed it generates a hash-value which can later be tracked by the user to analyze the spends.

Challenges I ran into

There were many challenges from the start to the end of the project, but some of them were-
a. Connecting the Frontend which is created on React and the Smart Contracts which work at the backend.
b. Tests for the Smart Contracts were little trickier and difficult to analyse.
c. The connection of the Contract Address and the chainID used int he React App was also a challenge.
d. Lastly, hosting the project which works for both ETH-Testnet and ETH-Mainnet.


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