Created on 11th February 2021
We believe Ceramic's smart documents are an integral part of unifying the web and realizing the vision of web3. The problem is, nobody can currently browse and see any of the amazing documents which are being created!
What's more – Ceramic doesn't natively index any of the documents on the network.
To fix that, we created Tiles. Tiles indexes Ceramic and allows users to browse their contents, all in a sleek, intuitive and Ceramic-branded interface.
Users can either browse a list of documents or look up a specific document with its ID. It enables users to share tile details with each other without running Ceramic infrastructure themselves.
We had two chief challenges:
a) Identifying the mechanism through which we could create an index of Ceramic documents, and
b) Designing the mechanism for the indexing, querying the index in an efficient way, and paginating results
Technologies used