

"Empowering Agriculture, Empowering Voices: Manage Your Inventory with Ease, Amplify Your Impact with ThriveAgro"

The problem ThriveAgro solves

Given the sensitivity and gravity of the recent farmer protests and the unfortunate treatment they received, it's crucial to acknowledge the need for peaceful and constructive solutions.
The share of agriculture in the total Gross Value Added to the economy has declined from 35% in 1990-91 to 15% in 2022-23, various causes are inventory Mismanagement, Crop degradation, and lower prices for crops. Hen

ThriveAgro as its name suggests works on making agriculture grow by providing the following features:

  1. Inventory management: Farmers can manage their inventory by adding product quantity, expiration date, and product price which would give them an idea of how much stock is present.Farmers can track seeds , fertilizers and monitoring equipment .

  2. Buyer contacts-We connect farmers with mill owners who directly purchase from farmers avoiding any need for middlemen which decreases transportation costs and commission taken by middlemen.

3)Reporting section- Farmers can report to govt about any infrastructure problem they are facing like poor roads, bad irrigation facilities, dam construction, etc so that on an open platform their issues are resolved

4)Sustainable ways of farming: Farmers get to know different ways of farming when they log in through which they can increase their crop yield and generate more profit.

  1. Schemes: A section of schemes allotted for farmers can be read from the dashboard to avail maximum benefits of all yojana made by the government.

Challenges we ran into

Building a user-friendly interface for inventory management that caters to the diverse needs of farmers required significant technical expertise. We had to integrate robust inventory tracking systems while ensuring simplicity and accessibility for users.
