Sow, Grow, Thrive: Revolutionizing Farming with Thrive Agro

The problem THRIVE AGRO solves

Farming in India is an occupation that not just provides people with food to eat but it also contributes as a great share of economy. The share of agriculture in the total Gross Value Added to the economy has declined from 35% in 1990-91 to 15% in 2022-23, various causes are inventory Mismanagement, Crop degradation, and lower prices for crops. With increasing amount of protests, farmers are yet unheard so we provide a platform to farmers through which they can report to govt about the issues they are facing, can improve their income by directly selling their products to buyers/mill owners which helps reduce the extra transportation costs and thus we aim to provide food at cheaper prices as compared to today.
Our project is based on 3 sustainable tracks->
SDG1: NO POVERTY - By increasing farm productivity and incomes, we are helping lift rural communities out of poverty.
SDG9: INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE: Through its reporting section addressing infrastructure problems faced by farmers, ThriveAgro supports the development of resilient infrastructure and promotes inclusive and sustainable industrialization.
SDG2: ZERO HUNGER: By increasing farm productivity and incomes, the startup can help lift rural communities out of poverty and provide grains at a cheaper price.

Challenges we ran into

designing the ui of our website was one of the challenges we faced, we even contacted one of the farmers to help us understand the marketing chain to improve our feature of buyer-seller connect and the reporting feature.
Technical challenges:
Cache is nextJS wasn't getting deleted because of which new changes were not reflected that were made in the database.
DrizzleORM wasn't being configured which we spent a lot of time in handling
