thisDot Bingo

Play Bingo with anyone, anywhere, on any device.


thisDot Bingo

Play Bingo with anyone, anywhere, on any device.

The problem thisDot Bingo solves

thisDot Bingo allows you to play bingo with your friends. It eliminates the physical barrier in order to interact with anyone. It provides a clean interface to play, relax and have fun with your friends. It is a game developed for the community. You can even add the bot on your discord and play with people there!

Challenges we ran into

  • We had problems with simultaneous data sharing between multiple players, to resolve this we used firestore by Firebase. As we can get an event triggered whenever the document is updated by any player.

  • Issue in determining the win condition. To resolve this, whenever a player choose a number, we check if the current player have won(marked BINGO). If the condition is yes, then all the players are notified and the gameplay is stopped with winner banner pop up.

  • Issue to keep the Discord bot server up and running. We have our Discord bot "thisDotBingo" hosted on "replit" as the running project gets closed in a span of time (30min-1hr), we cannot manually start it everytime, thus we used "UptimeRobot" to ping our server every 15min and thus keeping it online 24x7.

  • Unique ID for each room. To do this we generate


    for every new room. When the first player enters the game, we add a document in Firebase with the same document id and other player then interact with this document only.
