The Writer's Way

The Writer's Way

More Than Just Writing

The Writer's Way

The Writer's Way

More Than Just Writing

The problem The Writer's Way solves

The Writer's Way: A user-friendly web portal aims to give easy access to students of IGDTUW to write, create and read technical blogs/research papers written by their peers.
The main idea behind this portal is to promote technical writing and uploading research papers among college students and to make their writings more accessible and widely available to the audience to glance upon.
Due to the lack of a specific platform where students can post/read blogs or research papers, this portal helps students to write good, engaging content and get feedback from their peers as well.
This platform gives them an opportunity to come up and showcase their talent through their writing and also make it accessible to all for getting inspired from their content.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Making an attractive portal
  2. Bringing user engagement
  3. Beginner friendly
  4. Providing error-free resources/links
  5. Having accurate content(detecting plagiarism
  6. Balancing aesthetics with functionality

Tracks Applied (1)

UX Track

A PROTOTYPE of our website is displayed in the link provided. A PREVIEW of our website is shown in the pictures. A brief...Read More
