The World Starts With You

A game focused on influencing human behaviour for the better.


The World Starts With You

A game focused on influencing human behaviour for the better.

The problem The World Starts With You solves

Human overconsumption is not always dealt with naturally. In our game, the environment fights back in order to send the message that human actions have consequences.

The player is pushed to only collect a fraction of the available collectibles. Player is encouraged to kill a fraction of the enemies. When items are collected, enemies are killed, the user’s score goes up. The UI will specify some limit to how many items/enemies should be consumed, and the score will go down once the user goes past that limit.

When you do not collect enough resources, you will lose/die. The game will restart (or have the option to restart/quit). When you collect too many resources, you have depleted the world, and you are in catastrophe -- so you die (have the option to restart/quit). Collect enough resources and get to the door, and you will win the game/enter the next level.

Challenges we ran into

Bird animation

  • at first we wanted several birds -- some flying left and right, some flying up and down
  • we found that to be a little too time consuming, so we stuck with having them fly up and down
  • we also had trouble making sure we could kill the bird upon jumping on it, but only certain components of the bird would get destroyed (rather than the entire game object getting destroyed)

Chameleon animation

  • the chameleon artwork was not centered (which was out of our control to begin with)
  • we sliced the chameleon art (by eliminating irrelevant white space) so that its image became centered this allowed us to utilize it.
  • This allowed us to have the chameleon run from left to right and flip its image without drastically changing its x-position

Relative Coordinates vs World Coordinates

  • We kept running into the problem of distinguishing between the relative coordinates that child object has with its parent as opposed to the object it has in the world.
  • We got through this constant dilemma by creating parentless empty game objects (by doing so, we did not have too worry about confusing the world and relative coordinates as there was only the former)

Level Design/ Story Building

  • Due to our lack of experience in pixel art, we essentially had to work with the free assets that we could find online. We had all of the pieces, but we were lacking the story/theme.
  • We came together and grouped the assets provided to us based on the stratification of certain categories and commonalities,
