The Voice Of Future

Voice Assistant Zaira --> Just say and it's done

Created on 30th December 2020


The Voice Of Future

Voice Assistant Zaira --> Just say and it's done

The problem The Voice Of Future solves

We have integrated and automated the following technologies with the help of Voice Assistant

  1. Automating Linux Commands - We have automated Linux Commands like if you want to open calculator ,music player,firefox ,you need to speak that task ,30+ basic linux commands are automated over here.
    2.AWS Cloud Automation - We can launch new OS or Instance ,new security group for the OS you launched ,There are 18+ AWS services that are provided and we can automated just on speaking that task.
  2. Ansible Automation - Using Ansible we can do automation remotely ,Here you just need to give the ip of the instance you want to do configuration in ,eg ,you can install python3 in ip ,similarly you can give as many ip as you want and your task will be done ,here we have automated 8+ ansible tasks and you just need to speak and the task will be done.
  3. Webserver Automation - here webserver can be installed ,started and similarly 4 + webserver services are automated over here,you just need to speak and the task will be done.
  4. Docker Automation - Using Docker ,we can launch many different OS like Ubantu ,Centos ,etc within 1 second without having extra ram ,hard disk and here we have automated 16+ Services over the top of Docker Container ,just speak the task and task will be done.
  5. Logical Volume Management (LVM) Automation- We can increase or decrease size of a partition or remove it and similarly 11+ services are automated here ,just speak the task and task will be done.
  6. Hadoop Automation - We can provide an Ip and we can make it a name node or data node and setup a hadoop cluster automatically and hence do networking,here 16+ hadoop services are automated ,just speak the task and and the task will be done .
  7. Static Partition Automation - We can create partition in the hard disk ,similarly 5+ services are provided.
  8. ML Automation-we can run any ML prediction code on the top of Docker Container,we just have to speak the task and the task will be done .

Challenges we ran into

There were issues faced to control the remote operating system and we resolved it via ssh protocol.

In automating Ansible part ,while performing configuration management,we faced issues of installing the right version of Ansible on the required Operating System ,we finally found the right version via using pip3 to install .

In the Docker part , we faced issues while searching the right repository to configure yum for Docker installation.
We also faced dependencies issues while installing Docker ,we overcame it via using nobest keyword.

In the AWS automation ,we faced issues like we needed to open the AWS Webui to recheck if the automation is done or not ,so we used a python library i.e webbrowser to recheck the automation part on the AWS WebUi.

In the Hadoop Automation part , we faced issues to configure the Aws instance as a datanode because we first needed to give the path to the pem file and only then it was able to configure ,we also faced issues to find the appropriate jdk and hadoop installation url.


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